My name is

Daniel P. Huffman,

and I make maps.

I used to be a chemist, and then a teacher, and now I make my living as a freelance mapper & GIS person. If you want to know a lot more about me and how I got here, you can read about my journey by clicking here. Feel free to write me at to ask me about my favorite typefaces, why I dislike the Van der Grinten projection, or to hire me to help you tell your spatial stories.

It seems to me that maps are as much about art as data, and creating connections between people and stories that happen to have a geography. I worry that the speed and ease of the computer has made it too easy to leave the humanity out of maps — that creative spark that people bring to their unfeeling tools. I am not sure I have yet managed to humanize my own work enough to satisfy me, but it's something I'm working on.